Establishment: The Company has been constituted in 2004 in the name of Euromaxx Logistics Ltd and is incorporated by company act of 1994. Now we are in with our new wings of services of quality freight systems.

Brief Background: We have started our mission with the target of introducing a new arena in the field of Logistics Support by providing smooth and quick services to our valued customers. It is completely a service oriented company, not like the traditional ones, which has already reached to every of our clients with its dedicated services.

Our Mission: To be the best and innovative international freight forwarding company and logistics service provider, providing a vital link to world trade and creating value for our customers and business partners. Our dedication to personal services and our comprehensive suite of logistics solution ensure that we are the right long- term, strategic partner to satisfy both your global and local requirements at every step of the way of freight services.

As a new service provider we want to give a standard shape of services in global freight systems in lieu of traditional ones. Euromaxx Logistics Ltd is a company on the move and we will not lose sight of the fact that the heart of our business is to personalize customer services which will benefit both of us bilaterally in coming days.


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email sales@euromaxxbd.com

Developed By শেকড়